Circles of Willow

gather connect honour glow

Circles of Willow: Neurodiverse

We have expanded our circles to embrace neurodiversity. Is your child clumsy? Do they complain of exclusion in school yard games? Are they active, very active? Spacy? We offer a parent child physio group for children with either a formal or suspected diagnosis of ADHD or ASD. Our small groups address movement, balance, coordination and proprioceptive issues. Inclusion of mindfulness had been scientifically proven to aid self-regulation. Connection and they ability to function well in a small group is a basic and highly transferrable life skill. Want to know more

Embrace the Goddess Within

Join us for the continuation of our series: ‘Embrace the Goddess Within.’

Discovering the goddess within ourselves can ignite our inner exploration with profound implications for personal growth and empowerment. When I read Jean Shinoda' Bolen’s Goddess in Everywoman, it left me changed. I became aware of patterns playing out in my life and how to respond to these rather than blindly react.

To live mindfully takes courage. Courage is not always on tap. Sometimes, you look at who you are, where you came from and what you choose to believe It is an ongoing process of growing into awareness. We are so lucky to stand on the shoulders of the women who have come before, especially those who have believed in themselves and blazed trails for us to follow.

Take a day to heal from the lies that you’ve told yourself and the ones that have been told to you. Maya Angelou

Or term 2 circles begin again on 17/04/2024 7:00 p.m. and our first five which complete this work run until 15/05/2024. We continue to be amazed by the role of myth and storytelling and how with consideration it provides a wonderful avenue to discover our own personal psychology. Women are incredibly flexible and often take opportunity to rewrite their personal narrative many times in a lifetime. Each revision I believe, takes us closer to our authentic truthy.

To stay informed of ‘Circle of Willow’ happenings and for helpful hints follow us on Facebook

Simple Practices

This section is as a result of an in-circle request. Our clients enjoy some of our simple centering practices and have requested that these be made available for home use. As a result of our circles based on the Polyvagal Theory (debunking the stress response in our bodies), I have recorded four audios with nice FNQ scenery:

Community Supporting Community

We value community and community connections. It is what makes Sunbury a safe and comfortable place to live. Here are some local businesses that provide excellent service and operate with heart.

Wellbeing Martial Arts

Sunbury Book Shop

Embrace holistic physio yoga

Irelands Florist

Full Moon Meditations

We host several full moon meditations in our autumn meditation series Is suspended this season. We hope to resume in spring. Kindly read about the meditations and contact us if it interests you.

It is always a pleasure to facilitate them and see the deep sense of calm that is given to each precious soul. Kindly view our Facebook page for up to date happenings. We now to offer tea and a small snack at the conclusion of the meditation. A little time together allows the body to integrate the energy more fully.

Studies under master for 12 years included this gem. Many eastern cultures believe in meditation and the energy amplification for three to five days around the full moon. This is the ideal time to gather with like minded souls to meditate, practice intention setting and send collective healing to planet. Meditation clears our energy bodies and is now recognized by western medicine as beneficial to health and well-being.

We plan to have an uplifting evening. It will include:

  • Preparing the body to receive the energy

  • Forgiveness practice

  • Mediation on the Twin Hearts

  • Recognition and celebration of personal goals

  • Energy assimilation practice

To ensure you are comfortable, let us know if you require a chair. Kindly bring your own cushion and a bottle of water. This is a wonderful chance to treat yourself with reverence. Why not wear an item you love? It can be as simple as a scarf or necklace. The mossies are about, Bushmans spray will be provided for future events or you may choose to cover up.

Proceeds will go to CareWorks Sunbury to assist them in their valuable work supporting our local community.

Bookings are essential as space is limited. Next mediation 23/02/2024, hope to see you!

the willow, circles of willow inspiration
full moon meditations in Sunbury

Our Words

In circle we honour our words and those of the other participants. We often get together on a project pooling our collective energy. On 31/01/2024 we tuned into soulfulness and playfully tried to make a crossword!

Soulfulness word list

Sharing, caring, charitable, love, eternal, strong, safe, empathy, compassion, considerate, resolute, resourceful, happiness, yesterday, dreams, help, giving, nurturing, instinct, stomp, no, youth, you, smile, hope, faith, bond.just tune into the list and see which are important to you. have you ever wondered why?

Christmas Blessings

To celebrate our last circle on 06/12/2023, we wrote a blessing to be shared.

May we come together in respect and understandin,

In a safe space and begin again

Creating new life

Moving forward in peace, joy, and love

May the entire earth have lasting spiritual peace.

Short poem: Open by Merima Jackson

Open : I said

but my heart said


I have your back: I said

and my heart softened just a little

Hope for the Future: from my heart to yours

May I always be open to the love surrounding me

peace, acceptance and love

to find safety and sanctuary

live with authenticity, your true self

peace and love in my life

to love and forgive those who have hurt you

family gatherings filled with joy

I am strong and beautiful

I may go dark and twisted but I always come back to peace and love

It will be okay, love heals all

you are worthy and valuable

may you have the sweetness of joy

happiness and love 24/08/2022